A Visit To Ruth Babalola’s Family

Our journey of demonstrating care to vulnerable families continued on 26th February 2021, when we visited the family of Ruth Babalola, in Katako, Jos North Local Government Area of Plateau State.

Ruth was a 21-year-old 300L student at the University of Jos, who developed depression as a result of the difficult situations her family found themselves in after the death of her father in 2016. Ruth’s father left behind her mother and 6 children, including herself. Life became very difficult for Ruth as she and her family struggled to survive. It was difficult for them to eat, pay their rent, or even go to school. Ruth resorted to engaging in menial jobs to support her family and her education, but life remained harder, leading to her going into a deep state of depression, which made her suicidal. When we learned about Ruth’s family situation, we solicited support for the family through crowd-funding, and with the few donations received from our followers on social media, we were able to make purchases of food items for the family to feed.

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